Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Myra's First Day of School...Again
Monday, January 30, 2012
Settling In
On Sunday, we were lucky to have a sister in the ward pick us up and take us to and from church. Our ward has been so nice to us. What a blessing! I have to admit that the topic of traveling to church is a major sore spot for us right now. We can't rely every week on someone to take us, especially since we don't have carseats and we don't fit into one car. We are looking into possibly renting a car just for Sunday's, but we just aren't sure what to do. There are just no straight forward answers to this dilemma. Hopefully we'll figure out something soon.
Myra starts Danish school tomorrow. I went with her today to meet her teacher and fill out paperwork for her to start. I feel very nervous about it. I just want what is best for her and I want her to be happy. She is very excited though. She couldn't believe it when they said she could start tomorrow and has been so excited all evening. She will be in a special class just for kids that don't speak Danish. As soon as she has a good grasp of the language, they will move her up to a regular class. The class she will be in for now will have a total of 5 kids, and she is the only girl. She's also the only one that will speak English, all the other kids are from Turkey and Pakistan. I'm just glad that her teacher speaks English, that way she will be able to communicate if needed. Then on Wednesday, Chad starts school/work. Thus ends our little Holiday we've had for the past few weeks. It will be good to get back into the swing of things.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
First glimpse of København
I can't believe we've been here for a week already. The first couple of days were so hard, but I feel like we are starting to settle into the rhythm of life here more and more. This week, we've had several outings, mostly to local stores. We've taken the bus, the train and metro and we haven't gotten lost once! I have to give all the credit to Chad. He's done such a great job of getting us to where we want to go (and back again!) On Wednesday this week, we had an all-day long excursion to Ikea. It takes so long to drag 3 little kids all over the place on buses, that we are finding that pretty much any excursion is an all day thing. Our Ikea outing was very helpful and we were able to find a few things we needed. We ate lunch there that day and it was probably the cheapest eating out experience we've had so far. So, our house is finally starting to take shape. Chad is out with a member from our ward tonight picking up a couch and chair that another ward member is giving us. Chad went out last night and got a bunkbed for the kids. And tomorrow night, he'll go out with another ward member to pick up a couple of large items from Ikea. By then, we should be pretty much set. It's nice to finally have the house take shape and feel like we are making it more of a home.
Today, we headed into Copenagen (or København as the Danes spell it.)
Basically, it's in the old part of Copenhagen where the streets are really narrow, so there just isn't space for cars. It's so nice they've blocked it off so that only pedestrians can walk along there. We just walked along a small portion of it, ending up in Kongens Nytorv (The King's New Square.)
Monday, January 23, 2012
Another thing that has been completely different is bedding. We didn't bring any blankets with us. We figured we would just run to the store and buy a few blankets. Well, here, you can't typically find the queen/king size blankets for a bed that we get in the States. Instead, you have your own Dyne - pronounce doona. It translates to the English word Duvet. Basically, your bed will have a sheet over the mattress and then each person sleeps with their own Dyne. And the Dyne here are crazy fluffy and big. They remind me the most of big down comforters. You can buy them in different warmths, for summer and winter, you can find them made with feathers or fiber and then you also have to buy a cover to go over it. We were so confused at first, trying to figure out what to get. We ended up with really fluffy fiber Dyne that I'm sure will be way too hot in the warmer months. But as for now, I'm enjoying my Dyne and Chad not stealing my blanket at night anymore. =)
Sunday, January 22, 2012
We've Arrived
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Florida Good-byes
On another day we went to the Florida State Fair. Weird that it's in January, right? We had a fun time eating greasy food, watching the kids ride the carnival rides and enjoyed the petting zoo that was complete with Zebra's, a camel, llama's and a variety of other animals.
We also did our old stand-by favorite of visiting the Turtle Rehab center. They always have these sea turtles that have been injured that they are working on rehabilitating so they can put them back in the water. We've always enjoyed going there.
The best day though was our last day in the States. Chad and Kent went out golfing that morning, while Judi and I took the kids down to the Intracoastal one last time. It was just perfect weather. We saw a bunch of starfish and a few other sea creatures, but mostly we just enjoyed walking around in nice weather.
Then when the guys got back, we loaded up the waverunners and headed down to Peanut Island. It’s actually a man-made island in the Intracoastal that is supposed to have a lot of Manatees around it this time of year. We rode around for a little while and spotted a few manatees before docking the boats on the beach. As soon as we got off the boats, we saw a few more manatees in the water. We were able to go right up to one of them.
We spent the next 2 hours snorkeling with this one super friendly manatee.
It let us touch it and even as we would swim away from it, it would follow us and come right up to us. It was so amazing! I wish we’d had an underwater camera.
(We didn't take this picture, but I wanted to show what they look like under water.)
It’s really hard to see it very well from above the water. The Manatee even came close enough in so that Myra was able to pet it. So neat!
Well, that was a great day to end our time in the states. The next morning we got up early, headed to the airport and flew off to begin our stay in Denmark.