Kindergarten Stats
Age: 5 years 5 months
Height: 41 inches (3ft. 5in.) (19%)
Weight: 35.2 lbs. (9%)
Hair color: Blonde/Brown
Animal: Kitten
Food: Lasagne & Spaghetti
Game: Wii Princess Game, Hello Kitty Bingo
Toy: Collie (Lg. Stuffed toy horse)
Thing to do: Play Wii, Play with Play Doh
Book: Sleeping Beauty, Down by the Cool of the Pool & Dolphin Book
Color: Light Pink
Movie: Even though I haven't seen it, Brave is going to be one of my favorites & Spy Kids 2 & Sleeping Beauty
Primary Song: Teach me to Walk in the Light & Popcorn
My best friend is: Ekra
Other friends I like to play with: Mattias, Amale, Aliza, Eda
Things I like to do with my friends: Play in the Sand Box, Make cake
If I had a pet it would be a: Kitten
named: Meow Meow
What people like about me: I can't think of anything...
Things I can do really well: Backward Somersaults (ok?), Something cool on the couch (hmmm?), Run with fast shoes (hmmm, ok?...)