Sunday, July 14, 2013

Photo Challenge Week #28 - Church

The nave of St. Mary's Church in Lubeck Germany. There are so many amazing churches in Europe.  Lots to choose from.  This was one of my favorites.  The ceiling was so high!  The roof and much of the interior of this church was destroyed during World War 2.  But, after the war was over, they worked very hard for 15 years to reconstruct the damaged parts to how they looked before.  One interesting story is that with the fire, much of the plaster on the walls came off to reveal these old frescoes from the middle ages painted beneath.  They had hired someone to restore the paintings.  There was a scandal when the painter created his own works in some areas.  Some of these paintings were much photographed and actually used in postage stamps commemorating the churches 700 year birthday.  When the fraud was found out, it created much scandal in the art world and were quickly painted over.  His paintings were actually a really small part of the actual frescoes that remain today.

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