Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Winter Break Day 2

Today...It rained. So much for our desire to adventure out and explore. We spent a pretty lazy day at the house. The kids tried playing hide and go seek around the house, but in 900 sq. feet, there just aren't many places to hide. So, they would hide little toys around the house and make each other find them. That seemed to work much better and kept them entertained for a considerable amount of time. Then they moved onto playing tag, but once again, that ended pretty quickly. Not too many places to run to. It cleared up enough in the early afternoon for us to run over to the bakery and buy some pastries, yum.
I took this picture on the way to the bakery. It's been really wet lately and I've noticed that things are really starting to turn green, not so much the leaves and such, but the stones and tree trunks. I guess it's moss or lichen, but it's covering everything. It gives things an old, European feel to it. I like it!

It still wasn't nice enough for us to stay outside for any sort of amount of time. So, in the afternoon we got out my Silhouette machine and made some pretty lame decorations for the house. Then this evening, Chad went out and got me a bike! Yay! I'm very excited to have a vehicle, especially since we were able to get a bike trailer over the weekend. It'll make it so much easier to get around!
It's much different than any bike I've ever had. Actually, it's probably the most similar to bikes I had as a kid, you can actually brake by pushing backwards on the pedals. Funny, huh! I'm sure I'll learn to love it though.

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