Wednesday, August 27, 2014


My has started 3Z this year.  She would be in 4th grade in the US and it kind of freaks me out how old she's getting.  How did she grow up so quickly?  Myra, of course, loves school.  She's always happy to go and see her friends and comes home every night with hours worth of stories to tell.  It's so nice having such a happy child, she makes everyone around her smile.

Here are Myra's stats for the year:

Age:  9 years 4 months
Height: 54.5 inches (4ft. 5in.) (71%)
Weight: 71.4 lbs. (63%)
Hair color: Strawberry Blonde

Grade:  2Z (3rd grade)

Teacher:  Maiken

What I want to be when I grow up:  A Teacher

Animal: Cats & Dogs
Food: Taco Soup
Game: Killer Bunnies
Toy: Big Stuffed Dog
Thing to do: Spend time with my family
Book:The 5 Kingdoms
Color: Purple and Blue
Movie: The Croods
Primary Song: I am a Child of God
My best friend is: Marie
Other friends I like to play with: Michael, Otto, Oliver and Lasse
Things I like to do with my friends: Play football (soccer) and Play crazy games
If I had a pet it would be a: Dog
named: Camille
What people like about me: That's I'm friendly
Things I can do really well:  Help Cook and playing with other people and helping others to be happy

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