Here are Myra's stats for the year:
Age: 9 years 4 months
Height: 54.5 inches (4ft. 5in.) (71%)
Weight: 71.4 lbs. (63%)
Hair color: Strawberry Blonde
Grade: 2Z (3rd grade)
Teacher: Maiken
What I want to be when I grow up: A Teacher
Grade: 2Z (3rd grade)
Teacher: Maiken
What I want to be when I grow up: A Teacher
Animal: Cats & Dogs
Food: Taco Soup
Game: Killer Bunnies
Toy: Big Stuffed Dog
Thing to do: Spend time with my family
Book:The 5 Kingdoms
Color: Purple and Blue
Movie: The Croods
Primary Song: I am a Child of God
My best friend is: Marie
Other friends I like to play with: Michael, Otto, Oliver and Lasse
Things I like to do with my friends: Play football (soccer) and Play crazy games
If I had a pet it would be a: Dog
named: Camille
What people like about me: That's I'm friendly
Things I can do really well: Help Cook and playing with other people and helping others to be happy
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