Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Noah has started his 3rd year of Sproggruppen here in Denmark.  It's basically day care, they don't do much learning, except for the focus on getting the kids to speak Danish, which he's doing really well with.  He's one of the oldest in his class now and I think he misses a couple of the older girls he played with all the time before.  It's crazy to think that if we hadn't moved here, he could have started Kindergarten this year.  With his birthday being so late, we had thought about holding him back a year anyway, but now we will just start him in Kindergarten when we move back to the US.

Here are some stats for him this year:

Age: 5 years
Height: 44 inches (3ft. 6in.) (40%)
Weight: 39.4 lbs. (41%)
Hair color: Red

Grade:  Sproggruppen

Teacher:  Dorte & Emma

What I want to be when I grow up:  A Singer and a Football Player

Animal: Cats and Dogs
Food: Pizza and Spaghetti
Game: Wii Sword Fighting
Toy: Legos Star Wars
Thing to do: Go out on trips and stay at hotels
Book: My 5-year-old book
Color: Dark Blue
Movie: Star Wars
Primary Song: I am a Child of God
My best friend is: Iqra
Other friends I like to play with: Belal, Amal
Things I like to do with my friends: Play with Toys
If I had a pet it would be a: Cat
named: Max
What people like about me: I'm cute (haha, same answer as last year)
Things I can do really well:  Help others clean up (Oookkaaayyy, yeah right!)

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