Friday, August 16, 2013

Lexi starts 0Z

 Kindergarten Stats
Age: 6 years 5 months
Height: 43 inches (3ft. 6in.) (3%)
Weight: 38 lbs. (3%)
Hair color: Blonde/Brown

Grade:  0Z (1st grade)

Teacher:  Martin

What I want to be when I grow up:  Singer, Painter, Astronaut & Swimmer
Animal: Kitten
Food: Lasagne
Game: Hungry Hippos
Toy: Collie and Uni (large stuffed horse and unicorn)
Thing to do: Ride my bike
Book: Pinkalicious
Color: Pink
Movie: Sleeping Beauty & Wreck-it Ralph
Primary Song: Teach me to Walk in the Light
My best friend is:  Ella Birthe and Silke
Other friends I like to play with: Silje, Edasada
Things I like to do with my friends: Play Games
If I had a pet it would be a: Kitten
named: Meow
What people like about me: They think I'm cute.
Things I can do really well: I can sleep in for a long time, ride my bike, draw

1 comment:

  1. Oh my heavens she is so cute and petite! I love your hair how it flips out so cute, Lexi!! I hope you love 1st grade!
