Age: 4 years
Height: 41 inches (3ft. 4in.) (41%)
Weight: 35 lbs. (41%)
Hair color: Red
Grade: Sproggruppen
Teacher: Dorte, Jane & Sophia
What I want to be when I grow up: A Teacher
Grade: Sproggruppen
Teacher: Dorte, Jane & Sophia
What I want to be when I grow up: A Teacher
Animal: Dinosaurs
Food: Tacos
Game: Fighting with Sword & Shield
Toy: Dinosaurs
Thing to do: Eat, Play games and Roller Skate
Book: Dinosaurs love Underpants and Where the Wild Things Are
Color: Yellow (Lellow) & Black
Movie: Cars
Primary Song: Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree
My best friend is: Myra and Lexi
Other friends I like to play with: Olivia, Belal
Things I like to do with my friends: Play Games
If I had a pet it would be a: Dinosaur
named: Fenny
What people like about me: I'm so cute
Things I can do really well: Lift up little chairs, Fight with swords and Play
Becca loves this picture of Noah and keeps getting mad at me when I scroll down. I can't believe how red his hair is! Last night I had a sad conversation with Brad. I saw the plane at the top of your blog and it looked so close to the end that I came out and asked Brad excitedly if you guys were staying for only 2 year. He informed me that it was 3 so I was sad again :( Seriously for a short second I thought you might be coming home in a few months... darn pregnancy brain playing tricks on me!!
ReplyDeleteI love how dinosaur is on every other line. Such a boy thing!